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Eine Einverständniserklärung ist zum Nutzen des Patienten und des Arztes nützlich. Zur Rückverfolgbarkeit sollte nach Möglichkeit der Name des Produkts zusammen mit der Lot-nummer angegeben werden. In einem solchen Fall tragen die Ärzte, die Kopien verwenden, die volle Verantwortung für zahlreiche große Komplikationen.

Jede Information vorab ist eine Klarstellung – nach der Behandlung ist sie eine Ausrede!


Ich, ________________________________________________



verstehe, dass ich Im Körper/Gesicht bereich  ein Magistralis Präparat injiziert wird, das 5 % Karbolsäure gemischt mit Arachidonsäure aus Erdnussöl enthält


um einen frühen Beginn des Liftings und einen späten Beginn der Hautverjüngung und des Peelings zu erreichen.

Die injizierten Muskeln verändern vorübergehend ihre Form und erhöhen ihren Tonus, ohne dass es zu Lähmungen und/oder Atrophien kommt.

Endopeel-Injektionen unterliegen der medizinischen Verantwortung des Arztes, da ein Magistralpräparat verwendet wird, das von einer spezialisierten Arzneimittelapotheke hergestellt wird


Endopeel-Injektionen in die kleinen Muskeln bewirken, dass diese spezifischen Muskeln den Bereich dehnen (ohne gelähmt zu sein), wodurch das Erscheinungsbild der Falten bei der statischen Ansicht stärker verbessert wird als bei der dynamischen Ansicht.


Ich verstehe, dass das Ziel darin besteht, den behandelten Bereich anzuheben, zu dehnen und zu glätten, um auch ihm einen schönen Hautverjüngungseffekt zu verleihen

Die Wirkung ist vorübergehend und eine erneute Injektion ist innerhalb von drei bis vier Monaten erforderlich. Mir wurde erklärt, dass auch andere vorübergehende und längerfristige Behandlungen möglich sind.

Zu den möglichen Nebenwirkungen von Endopeel-Injektionen gehören unter anderem:

1. Risiken: Mir ist bewusst, dass das Risiko von Schwellungen, Hautausschlag, Kopfschmerzen, lokalem Taubheitsgefühl und Schmerzen besteht an der Injektionsstelle, Blutergüsse, Ecchymosen und allergische Reaktionen.

2. Infektion: Infektionen sind selten, können aber auftreten und sind in den meisten Fällen leicht behandelbar. In seltenen Fällen kann es jedoch zu bleibenden Narben in der betroffenen Region kommen.

3. Die meisten Patienten haben einige Zeit lang leicht geschwollene rosafarbene Beulen an der Injektionsstelle Stunden oder sogar mehrere Tage.

4.Die Ecchymosen können mehrere Tage oder Wochen anhalten.

5. Lokales Taubheitsgefühl, Hautausschlag, Schmerzen an der Injektionsstelle.

6. Spannungsgefühl oder Reizung der Haut.

7. Immer wenn Sie eine Nadel in die Haut injizieren, kann es zu Blutergüssen kommen. Dieser Bluterguss kann lange anhalten Es kann mehrere Stunden, Tage, Wochen, Monate und in seltenen Fällen zu Blutergüssen kommen dauerhaft.

8. Behandlungen: Mir ist bewusst, dass mehr als eine Injektion erforderlich sein kann, um eine zufriedenstellende Wirkung zu erzielen Ergebnis.

9. Ein weiteres Risiko bei der Injektion von Karbolsäure um die Augen war die Hornhautexposition, weil Patienten sind möglicherweise nicht in der Lage, mit den Augenlidern so oft zu blinzeln, wie sie sollten, um das Auge zu schützen. Das Die Unfähigkeit, das Auge zu schützen, wurde mit einer Schädigung des Auges wie einer Beeinträchtigung des Sehvermögens in Verbindung gebracht. oder Doppeltsehen, das normalerweise vorübergehend ist. Dieses verringerte Blinzeln wurde in Verbindung gebracht mit Hornhautgeschwüren. Es gibt jedoch Medikamente, die beim Anheben des Augenlids helfen können Wenn das Erschlaffen zu stark ist, sind die Augentropfen nicht so wirksam. Diese Nebenwirkungen können lange anhalten mehrere Wochen oder länger. Dies kommt selten vor.

10. Ich werde alle Anweisungen zur Nachsorge befolgen, da dies für die Heilung von entscheidender Bedeutung ist. Da es sich bei Endopeel nicht um eine exakte Wissenschaft handelt, kann es bei einigen zu einem ungleichmäßigen Erscheinungsbild des Gesichts kommen Muskeln, die stärker von den Endopeel-Techniken betroffen sind als andere. In den meisten Fällen kann dieses ungleichmäßige Erscheinungsbild korrigiert werden, indem mehr Produkt in dieselben oder benachbarte Muskeln injiziert wird. In manchen Fällen kann dieses ungleichmäßige Erscheinungsbild jedoch mehrere Wochen oder Monate anhalten. Diese Liste soll nicht alle möglichen Risiken umfassen, die mit Endopeel verbunden sind, da es beides gibt bekannte und unbekannte Nebenwirkungen im Zusammenhang mit Medikamenten oder Eingriffen.

Endopeel sollte schwangeren oder stillenden Frauen nicht verabreicht werden.

Zusätzlich, Die Anzahl der injizierten Milliliter ist ein Schätzwert für die Menge an Endopeel-Produkten, die zum Anheben der Muskeln erforderlich ist. Mir ist bewusst, dass es keine Garantie für die Ergebnisse einer Behandlung gibt. Ich verstehe das Normale Für alle weiteren Behandlungen fällt ein Aufpreis an.

Ich verstehe und stimme zu, dass alle für mich erbrachten Dienstleistungen direkt mir in Rechnung gestellt werden und dass ich dies auch tue persönlich für die Zahlung verantwortlich. Ich bin weiterhin damit einverstanden, im Falle einer Nichtzahlung die Kosten zu tragen Inkassokosten und/oder Gerichtskosten und angemessene Anwaltskosten, falls dies erforderlich sein sollte.

Mit meiner Unterschrift bestätige ich, dass ich die vorstehende Einverständniserklärung gelesen habe und damit einverstanden bin Behandlung mit den damit verbundenen Risiken. Hiermit erkläre ich mich mit der Durchführung dieses und aller nachfolgenden Endopeel einverstanden Behandlungen mit den oben genannten verstanden. Hiermit entbinde ich den Arzt, die Person, die die Endopeel-Produkte injiziert, und die Einrichtung von der Haftung im Zusammenhang mit diesem Eingriff.

Ich wurde von meinem Arzt vor mehr als drei Wochen im Rahmen einer Erstkonsultation informiert, die mindestens 75 Minuten dauerte.


Ich habe genug Zeit zum Nachdenken, stelle meinem Arzt viele Fragen und zwischen der ersten Konsultation und der ersten Endopeel-Sitzung vergingen mindestens drei Wochen.

Ich habe meinem Arzt keine weiteren Fragen mehr zu stellen und bin voll und ganz damit einverstanden, die Behandlung in Form von Sitzungen in Anspruch zu nehmen. Ich stimme auch dem Preis von ........................................ zu. .. was mir mein Arzt vor mehr als drei Wochen bei der ersten Konsultation gegeben hat.

Patient Unterschrift_____________________________________

Datum: _____

Arzt, medizinischer Assistent und/oder Krankenschwester, medizinischer Zeuge


Dangerous Copies

Be careful with dangerous copies 

Sold by MD to other MD



Never buy Products sold or 1 st given for free to try it from any MD


  • authorized dealer

    Find here Official Endopeel Distributors

    Official Authorized Distributors

  • fake medicines

    Pharmacies are NOT Authorized Distributors

    Some pharmacies in Spain,Argentina & Uruguay sell dangerous copies

A dangerous combination : Endopeel-Peptonas

Mostly seen in South America and Spain

Combination Endopeel-Peptonas leads to irreversible dangerous complications.

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Science  Archive

Latest Thoughts on the Pandemic

Author : Dr. Christopher Payne from UK 


The coronavirus pandemic from the perspective of a doctor practicing in the UK (1.5.20)


In my opinion, the UK government have handled and continue to handle the coronavirus Covid19 pandemic well, all things considered.


There seem to be three variants in the presentation of Covid19 in Britain. All those affected have an elevated temperature, if only for a day or two but sometimes longer.

Then the patients can be divided into the coughers, the anosmics (smell/taste disturbance) and the exhausted. The most frequent patterns in Britain are the anosmic and the exhausted. Some unlucky patients get all three and of course there are rarer presentations, including cutaneous ones, such as Covid toes. For the vast majority of people, the illness is not any worse than a very bad flu.


Severity is age dependent, being so trivial that it usually passes unnoticed in children.

In young adults in most cases, the illness is so mild as to be difficult to be certain it has happened at all.


In the elderly, especially males and the obese, particularly in Black and Asian patients, the illness can be very severe, especially if there is also dementia, obesity or hypertension (metabolic syndrome) or concurrent serious ill health.


Doctors realize that the lockdown reaction to the pandemic carries very very big risks, not only to the economy but also to people’s health. GP services, outpatient services and non-urgent operations have more or less ceased with the UK “s extreme lockdown and this carries large risks (e.g. undiagnosed early cancers, late treatment of new cancers, mental health problems exacerbated by the lockdown).Any dentistry is extremely difficult to access anywhere at the moment. Children’s education is suffering.


If we concentrate too much on the overall daily or cumulative death rate, we will lose perspective. It is normal for 1,600 people to die every day in Britain. Over and above the normal death rate are the 25,000-50,000 people who die from excess winter mortality every year from flu and other respiratory diseases, these deaths are usually in old people.

The current death rate from coronavirus is not terribly dissimilar at the moment and most Corona deaths are amongst elderly people. The median age of the dead is over 80. As is usual with excess winter mortality, flu and pneumonia, 40-60% of deaths from Covid19 are occurring in particularly vulnerable people in nursing or care homes. Only about 1% of the deceased have no other serious illnesses (Swiss propaganda website).


Moreover, the current recorded death rate from coronavirus is greatly exaggerated as anybody who dies with coronavirus is counted as a death due to Coronavirus which is absolutely (and almost fraudulently) wrong medically, epidemiologically and scientifically.



The problem in this pandemic, both medically and politically, is the sharp and viscously pointed tip of the Corona iceberg, which is the mortal illness it causes not only in the elderly but also in a very small proportion of people under the age of 60.A very small proportion, 0.1%,of the whole UK population under 65 years old is a lot of people  (0.1% x 55,000,000 = 55,000 people) .It is these unfortunate people  who have been overwhelming intensive care units across the country. There have been so many many more very serious ill, relatively young people in this coronavirus epidemic than is usually the case during a standard or bad winter flu epidemic. There have been so many that intensive care units have been almost unable to cope. Taking the load off the nation’s intensive care units has been the primary aim of the UK government policy of lockdown. The lockdown has slowed the rate of new cases and therefore the rate of new severe cases. The opening of the new field hospitals has increased the NHS” s capacity to care for more bad cases. Both have helped take the load off the nation’s intensive care services.


Now that the peak of the surge of intensive care cases has passed, which probably happened in the last 2 weeks, then the aim of government policy should return to that seeking herd immunity among the under 60s, so that the epidemic can wane which will then allow the over 70s to emerge from isolation and return to life again, even if a vaccine is never discovered. It must be a form of torture for a grandmother not to be able to hug her grandchildren.


The government have done a fantastically effective job in terrifying people about the dangers of coronavirus, so much so that the young are unashamedly terrified because nobody is really teaching them now how statistically low is the risk for their youngish age group. The dangers to young people are exceedingly small. We can indeed say that for anyone under 40 (or even 50) the chances of dying from Covid are about the same as being eaten by a Great White shark. The dangers to the economy are extraordinarily large.


Herd immunity is much more prevalent than is suspected.50-60% of the patients I see have had an illness which I can diagnose as coronavirus but most of them were not really aware that they had had the illness at all, as it was relatively mild in most of them.

Many people now will have had the illness without realizing that they have had it.


It is my clinical impression that probably 50[ of the population of London have already had the virus. The development of herd immunity is therefore well advanced.


In my opinion now, all children should go back to school and the under 50s should all be told to go back to work. The over 75” s should remain in lockdown. The 50-75 age group should be allowed to work from home if they want to or to go back to work if they are otherwise fit and prepared to take the risk.


No test is available or even required to predict risk of death from coronavirus. We already know the answer. The danger of death is greater in the following groups:

  • Over 60s, especially over 80s
  • Black and Asian people
  • Male gender
  • Dementia
  • Obesity
  • Hypertension
  • Smoking
  • Concurrent serious disease.


If more than two of the above applies, the risk is greater still.


The above groups need to be careful and consider continuing isolation pending the development of herd immunity or a vaccine. The rest of us should be getting back to work as soon as possible.


Making these changes now though will inevitably result in another wave of cases. But how big a wave? If herd immunity is well developed already, as I believe it is in London and other large urban centres, the second wave will be small. In countries where the clamp down has been more draconian, such as South Korea, China and New Zealand, very large second waves can be expected. This is already happening in countries lauded for their very swift and effective control of the initial wave, such as Germany and Singapore. In countries which have not had a lockdown, such as Sweden, the second wave will be trivial or non-existent Britain, where we have trodden a middle course, the second wave will be notable but probably not enormous and almost certainly smaller than the first wave. Will it be large enough to risk possibly overtaxing intensive care units? We cannot say as we have no clear epidemiological evidence of the proportion of the population that have been infected and are now therefore immune. So, the government may have to do these things in a step-by-step way or wait another couple of weeks before making these changes.


In the meanwhile, some of the ridiculous Orwellian restrictions, like the closure of some parks, not walking on windy beaches or hillsides, not having picnics with your family etc. should be explicitly ceased. Lord Sumption should be asked to join the Cabinet and be tasked with reforming the police force (not only during the crisis but thereafter also).


I am sure that all the above is correct. The only thing I am not quite sure about is the rate at which the current lockdown should be relaxed. We do not want to overwhelm intensive care units by ceasing the lockdown too soon or too precipitously.


Christopher Rowland Payne



edema dued to Covid19

The Cytokines


can explain the big edema linked to Covid19

At the beginning of the crisis of Covid19, patients who have been treated with Endopeel, just for the face,had mostly bilateral edema with one predominant side or just on one single side , mostly taking the medium and lower thirds of the face.

What retained our attention was the duration as the time between the last session of Endopeel treatment and the facial edema.

The duration was from 2 to 3 weeks even under corticotherapy with or without anti histaminics.
The beginning of such edema was mostly like 1 month after the treatment .

We understood that such edema was not correlated with Endopeel but we did some researches.

Such kind of edema never appeared before on patients beeing frequently treated with Endopeel since 20 years.

“Keep moving forward and never stop.”

Mauro Tiziani s Philosophy
Sir.Mauro Tiziani

How to explain such facial Covid19 edema


  • Just a facial edema in mid third and/or lower third of the face appearing 1 month after last endopeel session with a duration of around 2- 3 weeks, even under corticotherapy.
  • Tiredness is mostly associated
  • herpes labialis appeared in some cases
  • Fever or Sensation of Fever is mostly associated

acute disease in apparently healthy individuals

      We do consider such symptoms like an acute disease linked to the Covid19.
      because :
  • the main ingredient of Endopeel is bacteriostatic and even bactericide ( phenic acid)
  • And in such case a fever or just the sensation of fever leads us towards a viral infection.
  • Individuals asking Endopeel Treatments are mostly apparently healthy,

the answer may well lie within our immune system

and more specifically in how it responds to infections.

The Covid19 generates a cytokines storm

  • namely the massive release of molecules involved in the control of immunity.
  • explaining this form of hyperinflammation ( edema).


The cascade of deleterious effects

Essential agents of the immune system, cytokines (whose family includes interferons and interleukins, among others) are used in particular

  • to inhibit viral replication in infected cells,
  • to ensure the exchange of information between white blood cells,
  • or to stimulate production cells of the blood system.

If the cytokines, as well as the inflammatory reaction which they produce, are essential to the good response of the immune system against a pathogenic agent, the problem arises when these are secreted in too large quantities, preventing any neutralization mechanism

This runaway immune system can then cause a cascade of deleterious effects, such as edema, fever etc ...

Moreover, it should be known that we are not all equal vis-a-vis a pathogenic agent, as regards the manifestation of the symptoms as by our capacity to eliminate an infectious agent.

This explains that patients will react differently.

There is a high variability in the immune response of healthy people, determined, at least in part, by genetic differences.


What we did

  • Valaciclovir  or Acyclovir is a virostatic used also to treat herpes.

  • Paracetamol only in case of fever

  • Acetonide of Triamcinolone in rare cases 

The edema disappeared 2-5 days completely after our treatment.

what we propose

  • Hydroxychloroquine is used in some chronic inflammatory diseases

  • Remdesiviris is a broad spectrum antiviral

  • Ritonavir-Lopinavir associated or not at the interferon is still subject to some studies

We could not till now experiment this treatment as we stopped worldwide any endopeel treatment when the pandemia was declared .
Anyway any antiaging or aesthetic medicine treatment is not recommended during any pandemia if not forbidden.

Monolateral Left Cheek Edema without Treatment

Monolateral Left Cheek Edema without Treatment

Patient male >65 years old had Endopeel Treatment one month before this picture was taken and used Endopeel since 20 years  without any problems.He had some fever ,a dry cough .

Those symptoms disappeared as the edema with Paracetamol + Triamcinolone ( patient was informed about corticosteroids)  in 4-5 days.

The patient didnt get any Covid19 Test but it seems that those symptoms were linked to the Covid19 with a high probability.

antonio frontface antonio 3/4

Latest Thoughts about the Pandemic
By Christopher Rowland Payne 
Written on May 1 st,2020

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